We use the awesome SugarWOD app to track our daily progress and log our workouts.

Workouts are released every night at 6 pm the day before.

Here you can view our last 7 days of workouts. If you want to join our community and see our entire library of workouts, download the SugarWOD app and add Crossfit Aggieland as your affiliate!

Saturday, May 18
Workout of the Day
Gamma Bomb (Time)
Teams of Two

For Time:
300 Wallballs 20/14
Calorie Machine**
150 Box Jumps 24"/20"
100 DB Devil’s Press 50/35

**Calorie Row/Ski = 200/160
**Calorie Echo Bike = 125/100
Mayhem Mini-Pump – Core (Other / Text)
4 rounds:

10 Overhead Plate Situps
10 Side Star Plank Reach Throughs (ecah side)
:15-30 Hanging L-sit hold
30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (left overhead/right front rack hold)
30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (right overhead/left front rack hold)

*Rest 2 minutes between rounds
Mobility (Not Scored)
1 min Calf Smash (each)
1 min Foam roll Hamstrings
1 min Barbell quad smash (each side)
Body Building
Bodybuilding RPE Scale (Not Scored)
RPE 1-3 || This is a weight that the athlete can move with ease throughout the planned set of repetitions.

RPE 4-5 - This is a weight that offers moderate resistance, but the athlete feels he could double the planned repetition range with the weight he has chosen.

RPE 6-7 || This is a moderate/moderately heavy weight for the athlete. It should represent a challenge for the planned range of repetitions, but should not make them fear failure. The rest required between sets should be minimal.

RPE 8-9 || This is a near-maximum effort for the intended range of repetitions. Athletes need adequate rest between sets at this RPE.

RPE 10 || This is a maximum effort for the planned range of repetitions. The athlete should be fully loaded at the end of each set.
Mayhem Bodybuilding Goals (Not Scored)
Mayhem Bodybuilding is a stand-alone program focused on hypertrophy. You can layer it on top of other Mayhem Athletes programs, but it's not designed to be run on top of all the other programs every day. We will include pieces from certain days in other programs as "ACCESSORIES".
The objectives are to stay focused and rest just long enough for you to perform the next set with quality and control, unless otherwise indicated.
Keep your attention on each set and keep your phone in your bag. Sessions are not "for time".
but treat them as if you had a time limit. Keep a stopwatch visible to hold yourself accountable.
Arms and Core Warm-up (Not Scored)
3 Rounds
15/12 cal row
15 banded bicep curls (light band – fast reps)
15/12 cal ski
15 banded tricep extenstions (light band – fast reps)


3 rounds:
5 Alt. V-ups (each side)
10 Lying Heel Taps (each side)
5 Cat/Cows
Deficit Pushups (Load)
Deficit Pushups
5 sets: 10 reps - RPE 7

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Bent Over Barbell Row (Load)
Bent Over Barbell Row
5 sets: 10 reps - RPE 7

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Tricep Dips (Load)
Tricep Dips
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 8

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
DB Spider Curls (Load)
DB Spider Curls
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 8

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Single Arm Standing Tricep Extension w/ band (Load)
Single Arm Standing Tricep Extension w/ band
4 sets: 10 reps (each side) - RPE 8

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Standing Alternating DB Curl (Load)
Standing Alternating DB Curl
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 8

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Core Work: (Time)
Core Work:
4 sets:

10 Overhead Plate Situps
:30 GHD Hip Raise Hold
10 Side Star Plank Reach Throughs (ecah side)
:30 Hanging L-sit hold
30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (left overhead/right front rack hold)
30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (right overhead/left front rack hold)

*Rest 2:00 b/t sets
Cooldown/Mobility (Not Scored)
1 min seal pose
1 min bicep stretch on wall (each side)
1 min tricep smash (each side)
Mayhem Mini-Pump – Arms and Core (Time)
Mini-Pump Sessions are used as a supplement to another Mayhem Athlete track or on days when you are pressed for time and cannot complete the full day’s bodybuilding session as programmed. You should NOT complete today’s bodybuilding program AND the mini-pump session. Choose one or the other.

4 rounds:

10 Deficit Pushups @ moderate weight RPE 7
10 Bent Over Barbell Row @ moderate weight RPE 7
10 Single Arm Standing Tricep Extension w/ band (each side) @ moderate weight RPE 7
10 DB Spider Curls @ moderate weight RPE 7
10 Overhead Plate Situps
:30 GHD Hip Raise Hold
10 Side Star Plank Reach Throughs (ecah side)
:30 Hanging L-sit hold
30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (left overhead/right front rack hold)
30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (right overhead/left front rack hold)

*Rest 3 minutes b/t rounds
Burgener Strength
Burgener Strength Week 9 Day 3 (Not Scored)
For Affiliate, omit the Back Squats
Warm Up (Not Scored)
1. Crossover Symmetry Activation Plus OR Banded 7s - perform 7 reps of each movement

2. Mayhem Hip Halo Activation
* 10 Side step R/L
* 10 Forward/Backwards Walk R/L
* 10 Glute Bridges
* 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges R/L
* 10 Bird Dogs R/L
* 10 Squats

3. Burgener Warm up Snatch (3-5 reps at each position)
* Elbows high and outside – “BAR CLOSE”
* Muscle snatch – “STRONG TURNOVER”
* Snatch land – “FOOT WORK” 2”, 4”, 6”
* Snatch drop – “FOOT WORK”

4. Skill Transfer Exercises Snatch
- 3-5 reps of each movement
* Snatch grip push press. Feet jumping position “OVERHEAD STRENGTH”
* Overhead squat, “CORE STRENGTH”
* Heaving Snatch Balance. Feet in landing position. Dip, drive, drop, punch. “FAST HANDS”
* Drop Snatch, feet jumping position to landing, no drive, “SPEED UNDER”
* Snatch balance, “FOOT AND ARM SPEED”

5. 3x High Hang Snatch + 3x Hang Snatch + 3x Snatch
Snatch (Load)
1 Snatch @ 65% 1 RM Snatch
1 Snatch @ 70% 1 RM Snatch
1 Snatch @ 75% 1 RM Snatch
1 Snatch @ 80% 1 RM Snatch
1 Snatch @ 85% 1 RM Snatch
1 Snatch @ 90% 1 RM Snatch
1 Snatch @ 95% 1 RM Snatch
1 Snatch @ 100% 1 RM Snatch
1 Snatch @ 100+% 1 RM Snatch
Clean & Jerk (Load)
1 Clean and Jerk @ 65% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
1 Clean and Jerk @ 70% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
1 Clean and Jerk @ 75% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
1 Clean and Jerk @ 80% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
1 Clean and Jerk @ 85% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
1 Clean and Jerk @ 90% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
1 Clean and Jerk @ 95% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
1 Clean and Jerk @ 100% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
1 Clean and Jerk @ 100+% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
Connor Altes's Programming
Squat Clean 1x1 (Load)
Build to a 1 Rep Max Squat Clean.

We will use this as a baseline for This summer.
Friday, May 17
Workout of the Day
“That’s my secret, Captain: I’m always angry” (Time)
From 0-4:00
800m Run

From 4:00-10:00
Build to Heavy Double Power Snatch

From 10:00-14:00
800m Run

*Record Your Time for Both 800m Here
Power Snatch 1x2 (Load)
Record Heavy Double Power Snatch
Mayhem Mini-Pump – Glutes and Shoulders (Other / Text)
4 Rounds For Quality:

10 Weighted Hip Thrust
10 GHD Hip Raise
10 Plate Front Raise
Mayhem Ready Just A Barbell Away From Better Trunk Function (Not Scored)
8 Week Squat Cycle
Back Squat 8-8-4-4-2 (Load)
Warm Up Sets:
2 Sets: 8 reps @ 30%
4 reps @ 55%
4 reps @ 70%
2 reps @ 80%

**Goal is to Set up for some "Heavy" Singles"
Back Squat 3x1 (Load)
3 Sets: Building to "Heavy" Single

**Goal today is to go Heavy but to focus on Rep Speed. Once the weight causes the rep to slow down (the grind through kind of rep) go ahead and shut it down.
Back Squat 1x4 (Load)
Drop Set:

1 Set: 4 Reps @Heavier than Week 6 Day 1s 4 Rep Drop Set
Body Building
Functional Pump (Arms & Shoulders) (Other / Text)
Functional Pump (Arms & Shoulders)

INSTRUCTIONS! Do NOT do this session with the rest of the bodybuilding track. It should stand alone for the day. We recommend doing it as the ONLY workout for that day and the next (for example, if you do the 3 functional push-ups during the week, we don't recommend doing any other workout than the 3 power lifts - Squat, Deadlift & Press). Please click on "Workout prep notes available" directly to read the instructions before doing the workout!

5 sets:
Minute 1: 5-10 Strict Ring Dips
Minute 2: 1-2 Legless Rope Climb (or 4-8 Strict Pull Ups)
Minute 3: Max Rep Shoulder Press (empty bar)
Minute 4: Ski recovery (RPE 2-3)

-Rest as required.

5 sets
12 Tempo Barbell Curls (2:1:0:1) at RPE 7
12 Tempo Barbell Skull Crushers (2:1:0:1) at RPE 7
12 Tempo Dumbbell Lateral Raises (2:1:0:1) at RPE 7
-Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

30 MINUTES VERSION (or less):
3 sets:
Minute 1: 5-10 Strict Ring Dips
Minute 2: 1-2 Legless Rope Climb (or 4-8 Strict Pull Ups)
Minute 2: Max Rep Shoulder Press (empty bar)
Minute 4: Recovery Ski (RPE 2-3)

-Rest as required.

3-4 sets
12 Tempo Barbell Curls (2:1:0:1) at RPE 7
12 Tempo Barbell Skull Crushers (2:1:0:1) at RPE 7
12 Tempo Dumbbell Lateral Raises (2:1:0:1) at RPE 7
-Rest 1 minute between sets.
Bodybuilding RPE Scale (Not Scored)
RPE 1-3 || This is a weight that the athlete can move with ease throughout the planned set of repetitions.

RPE 4-5 - This is a weight that offers moderate resistance, but the athlete feels he could double the planned repetition range with the weight he has chosen.

RPE 6-7 || This is a moderate/moderately heavy weight for the athlete. It should represent a challenge for the planned range of repetitions, but should not make them fear failure. The rest required between sets should be minimal.

RPE 8-9 || This is a near-maximum effort for the intended range of repetitions. Athletes need adequate rest between sets at this RPE.

RPE 10 || This is a maximum effort for the planned range of repetitions. The athlete should be fully loaded at the end of each set.
Mayhem Bodybuilding Goals (Not Scored)
Mayhem Bodybuilding is a stand-alone program focused on hypertrophy. You can layer it on top of other Mayhem Athletes programs, but it's not designed to be run on top of all the other programs every day. We will include pieces from certain days in other programs as "ACCESSORIES".
The objectives are to stay focused and rest just long enough for you to perform the next set with quality and control, unless otherwise indicated.
Keep your attention on each set and keep your phone in your bag. Sessions are not "for time".
but treat them as if you had a time limit. Keep a stopwatch visible to hold yourself accountable.
Glutes and Shoulders Warm-up (Not Scored)
Hip Halo Warmup


2 rounds

10 PVC pass throughs
5 PVC around the worlds (each direction)
10 Arm circles (each direction)
5 Down dog/seal pose transitions
Weighted Hip Thrust (Load)
Weighted Hip Thrust
4 sets: 8 reps – at 65% of 1RM

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Shoulder Press (Load)
Shoulder Press
4 sets: 8 reps – at 65% of 1RM

*Rest 2:00-2:30 b/t sets
Double DB Z-Press (Load)
Double DB Z-Press
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 7

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Kneeling Banded Hip Extension (Load)
Kneeling Banded Hip Extension
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 7

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap Protocol (Not Scored)
Complete Iron Scap Protocol:
Archer: 10 reps (each side) - Heavy Band
Pulldown: 10 reps - Heavy Band
Tiger Walk: 20 reps (each side) - Heavy Band
WY Negative: 10 reps - Light Band
Snow Angel: 10 reps - LIght Band
Bear Hug: 10 reps - Heavy Band
ATYT: 10 reps - Light Band

Focus: Use band weight that is challenging but allows for quality of movement.
GHD Hip Extension (Load)
GHD Hip Extension
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 7

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Plate Front Raise (Load)
Plate Front Raise
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 7

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Cooldown/Mobility (Not Scored)
1 min banded overhead shoulder distraction (each side)
1 min thread the needle (each side)
1 min pigeon pose (each side)
30 sec cross leg forward fold (repeat with opposite leg on top)
1 min foam roll glutes (each side)
Mayhem Mini-Pump – Glutes and Shoulders (Time)
Mini-Pump Sessions are used as a supplement to another Mayhem Athlete track or on days when you are pressed for time and cannot complete the full day’s bodybuilding session as programmed. You should NOT complete today’s bodybuilding program AND the mini-pump session. Choose one or the other.

4 Rounds

10 Weighted Hip Thrust @ Moderate weight – maintain control and quality RPE 7
10 Barbell Strict Press @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7
10 GHD Hip Raise @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7
10 Plate Front Raise @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7

-Rest 3 min b/t rounds-
Connor Altes's Programming
Bench Press 1x1 (Load)
Build to a 1 Rep Max Bench Press.

We will use this as a baseline for This summer.
Thursday, May 16
Workout of the Day
“You’re Tiny Avenger!” (Time)
Teams of Two: YGIG

3 Sets Each For Time:

3 Rounds
12 Bench Press 135/85
24 Bent Over Banded Rows

* Note: each set is 3 rounds, with athletes performing 9 rounds total. You Go I Go Full Sets. Athlete one will do 3 Rounds of 10 & 20 While Athlete 2 Rest. Vice Versa

Time Cap: 30 Minutes
Accessory (Other / Text)
4 Sets For Quality:

15 Seated DB Curls
15 Seated DB French Press
Mayhem Ready Pre Post Workout Squat Couplet (Not Scored)
Body Building
Mayhem BodyBuilding | Thursday - Cardio Day (Not Scored)
Mayhem Bodybuilding Goals (Not Scored)
Mayhem Bodybuilding is a stand-alone program focused on hypertrophy. You can layer it on top of other Mayhem Athletes programs, but it's not designed to be run on top of all the other programs every day. We will include pieces from certain days in other programs as "ACCESSORIES".
The objectives are to stay focused and rest just long enough for you to perform the next set with quality and control, unless otherwise indicated.
Keep your attention on each set and keep your phone in your bag. Sessions are not "for time".
but treat them as if you had a time limit. Keep a stopwatch visible to hold yourself accountable.
Monostructural/Metcon Warm-up (Not Scored)
5 min single/double unders
5 round of rowling
(5 max penalty burpee box jump overs)
Monostructural: (Time)
4 sets: 1:1
Odd Sets:
15/12 Calorie Row
10 Burpee Box Get Overs (30/24)
15/12 Calorie Ski

Even Sets:
15/12 Calorie Ski
10 Burpee Box Get Overs (30/24)
15/12 Calorie Row
Cooldown/Mobility (Not Scored)
1 min couch stretch (each side)
1 min pigeon pose (each side)
1 min quad smash (each side)
1 min double banded overhead shoulder distraction + curtsy (each side)
“You’re Tiny Avenger!” (Time)
50 Double unders
50yd sled push (5x45/4x45 plates)
100 Double unders
50yd sled push (4x45/3x45)
150 Double unders
15x20yd shuttle runs
50yd sled push (3x45/2x45)
10x20yd shuttle runs
50yd sled push (2x45/1x45)
5x20yd shuttle runs
Wednesday, May 15
Workout of the Day
“I smashed you. Baby Arms.” (Time)
In a 15:00 Window:

2000/1750m Row

-In the remaining time, build to Heavy Clean and Jerk

**Record Row Time Here
Clean & Jerk 1x1 (Load)
Record Heavy Single Clean and Jerk
Mayhem Mini-Pump – Leg day (Other / Text)
4 Rounds

10 DB Good Mornings @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7
8 Goblet Squat: 1 and a Half Reps @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7
10 Single Leg Calf Raise @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7

-Rest 2 min between rounds-
Mayhem Ready Pre Post Workout Press Couplet (Not Scored)
8 Week Squat Cycle
Successory (Other / Text)
4 Sets For Quality:

:30 Spanish Squat Isometric Hold
5 Seated Box Jumps
10 Deadbugs
:30 Weighted Plank Hold
Mobility (Checkbox)
Spend 12 Minutes (2 Minutes / Side)

-Rolling Out Quads
-Rolling Out Hamstrings
-Rolling Out Calves
Body Building
Functional Pump (Legs & Core) (Other / Text)
Functional Pump (Legs & Core)

INSTRUCTIONS! Do NOT do this session with the rest of the bodybuilding track. It should stand alone for the day. We recommend doing it as the ONLY workout for that day and the next (for example, if you do the 3 functional push-ups during the week, we don't recommend doing any other workout than the 3 power lifts - Squat, Deadlift & Press). Please click on "Workout prep notes available" directly to read the instructions before doing the workout!

5 sets
15 GHD Sit Ups
30 yard Sled Push (180/135)
-Rest 3:00-
5 sets
15 Toes to Bar
20 yard Sled Push (225/180)
-rest 3:00-
5 sets
15 Russian Twists (each side)
10 yard Sled Push (270/225)

-Rest 3 to 5 minutes.

50 Back Squat @50% of 1RM in as few sets as possible.

30 MINUTES VERSION (or less) :
3 sets
15 GHD Sit Ups
30 yard Sled Push (180/135)
-rest :90-
3 sets
15 Toes to Bar
20 yard Sled Push (225/180)
-rest :90-
3 sets
15 Russian Twists (each side)
10 yard Sled Push (170/225)

-2 to 3 minutes rest

50 Back Squat @50% of 1RM in as few sets as possible
Mayhem BodyBuilding | Wednesday - Lower Body Push & Pull (Not Scored)
Bodybuilding RPE Scale (Not Scored)
RPE 1-3 || This is a weight that the athlete can move with ease throughout the planned set of repetitions.

RPE 4-5 - This is a weight that offers moderate resistance, but the athlete feels he could double the planned repetition range with the weight he has chosen.

RPE 6-7 || This is a moderate/moderately heavy weight for the athlete. It should represent a challenge for the planned range of repetitions, but should not make them fear failure. The rest required between sets should be minimal.

RPE 8-9 || This is a near-maximum effort for the intended range of repetitions. Athletes need adequate rest between sets at this RPE.

RPE 10 || This is a maximum effort for the planned range of repetitions. The athlete should be fully loaded at the end of each set.
Mayhem Bodybuilding Goals (Not Scored)
Mayhem Bodybuilding is a stand-alone program focused on hypertrophy. You can layer it on top of other Mayhem Athletes programs, but it's not designed to be run on top of all the other programs every day. We will include pieces from certain days in other programs as "ACCESSORIES".
The objectives are to stay focused and rest just long enough for you to perform the next set with quality and control, unless otherwise indicated.
Keep your attention on each set and keep your phone in your bag. Sessions are not "for time".
but treat them as if you had a time limit. Keep a stopwatch visible to hold yourself accountable.
Leg Day Warm-up (Not Scored)
Hip Halo Activation


3 rounds
15/12 bike erg
5 Cossack Squats (each side)
10 Kang Squats (empty barbell)
Back Squat (Load)
Back Squat
4 sets: 8 reps – at 65% of 1RM

*Rest 2:00-2:30 b/t sets
DB Good Mornings (Load)
DB Good Mornings
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 7

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Goblet Squat: 1 and a Half Reps (Load)
Goblet Squat: 1 and a Half Reps
4 sets: 8 reps - RPE 7

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
GHD Nordic (Hamstring) Curl (Load)
GHD Nordic (Hamstring) Curl
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 7

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Single Leg Calf Raise (Load)
Single Leg Calf Raise
4 sets: 15-20 reps (each side) – RPE 8

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Cooldown/Mobility (Not Scored)
1 min couch stretch (each side)
1 min quad smash (each side)
1 min forward fold (straight legs)
1 min calf stretch on wall (each side)
2 min foam roll all of lower body
Mayhem Mini-Pump – Leg day (Time)
Mini-Pump Sessions are used as a supplement to another Mayhem Athlete track or on days when you are pressed for time and cannot complete the full day’s bodybuilding session as programmed. You should NOT complete today’s bodybuilding program AND the mini-pump session. Choose one or the other.

4 Rounds

10 Barbell Back Squat @ Moderate weight – maintain control and quality RPE 7
10 DB Good Mornings @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7
8 Goblet Squat: 1 and a Half Reps @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7
10 Single Leg Calf Raise @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7

-Rest 3 min b/t rounds-
Burgener Strength
Burgener Strength Week 9 Day 2 (Not Scored)
Warm Up (Not Scored)
1. Crossover Symmetry Activation OR Banded 7s
- Perform 7 reps of each movement

2. Mayhem Hip Halo Activation
- 10 Side step R/L
- 10 Forward/Backwards Walk R/L
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges R/L
- 10 Bird Dogs R/L
- 10 Squats

3. Barbell Prep
2-3 Sets
10 Prone Is, Ts, & Ys (no weight or very light plates)
10 Single Arm Press (each side, moderate)

Click "Workout prep notes available" directly below for demo videos.
Push Press (Load)
1 Push Press @ 65-75% 1 RM Push Press
1 Push Press @ 75-85% 1 RM Push Press
1 Push Press @ 85-90% 1 RM Push Press
1 Push Press @ 90-95% 1 RM Push Press
1 Push Press @ 95-100% 1 RM Push Press
Clean & Jerk (Load)
1 Clean and Jerk @ 60% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
1 Clean and Jerk @ 65% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
1 Clean and Jerk @ 70% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
1 Clean and Jerk @ 65% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
1 Clean and Jerk @ 70% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
1 Clean and Jerk @ 75% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
1 Clean and Jerk @ 80% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
1 Clean and Jerk @ 80% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
Clean Pull (Load)
3 Clean Pulls @ 100% 1 RM Clean
3 Clean Pulls @ 100% 1 RM Clean
3 Clean Pulls @ 100% 1 RM Clean
Connor Altes's Programming
Front Squat 1x1 (Load)
Build to a 1 Rep Max Front Squat.

We will use this as a baseline for This summer.
Tuesday, May 14
Workout of the Day
Handstand Walk Skill Work (Other / Text)
Every :90 x 8 Sets: (12 Minutes)

Level 1: Kick up to the wall, then perform 10 back to wall handstand shoulder taps.. Scaling option is to perform this with feet on a box or from a plank position.

Level 2: 15 foot handstand walk or :45 seconds of practice

Level 3: +25 foot handstand walk

** Coaching video demoing each scaling option is in the coach notes
“No Banner, Only Hulk” (Time)
For Time:

Calorie Echo Bike
Burpees to Plate

Time Cap: 18 Minutes
*Women Calories 34-24-14
Mayhem Ready Pre Post Workout Front Rack Couplet (Not Scored)
Body Building
Bodybuilding RPE Scale (Not Scored)
RPE 1-3 || This is a weight that the athlete can move with ease throughout the planned set of repetitions.

RPE 4-5 - This is a weight that offers moderate resistance, but the athlete feels he could double the planned repetition range with the weight he has chosen.

RPE 6-7 || This is a moderate/moderately heavy weight for the athlete. It should represent a challenge for the planned range of repetitions, but should not make them fear failure. The rest required between sets should be minimal.

RPE 8-9 || This is a near-maximum effort for the intended range of repetitions. Athletes need adequate rest between sets at this RPE.

RPE 10 || This is a maximum effort for the planned range of repetitions. The athlete should be fully loaded at the end of each set.
Mayhem Bodybuilding goals (Not Scored)
Mayhem Bodybuilding is a stand-alone program focused on hypertrophy. You can layer it on top of other Mayhem Athletes programs, but it's not designed to be run on top of all the other programs every day. We will include pieces from certain days in other programs as "ACCESSORIES".
The objectives are to stay focused and rest just long enough for you to perform the next set with quality and control, unless otherwise indicated.
Keep your attention on each set and keep your phone in your bag. Sessions are not "for time".
but treat them as if you had a time limit. Keep a stopwatch visible to hold yourself accountable.
Posterior upper body warm-up (Not Scored)
3 series
15/12 Cal Row
10 scap pullups
15 Bent Over Barbell Row (empty bar)
5 Iron Cross (per side)
5 Down dog/seal pose transitions
Deadlift (Load)
4 sets : 8 repetitions - at 65% of 1RM

*Rest 2:00-2:30 between sets
Strict Pull-Ups (Load)
Strict Pull-Ups
4 sets : 8 repetitions - at 65% of 1RM

*Rest 1:00-1:30 between sets
Seated Neutral Grip Cable Row (Load)
Seated Neutral Grip Cable Row
4 sets : 10 repetitions - RPE 7

*1:00-1:30 rest between sets
Lat Pulldowns – Neutral Close Grip (Load)
Lat Pulldowns – Neutral Close Grip
4 sets : 10 repetitions - RPE 7

*1:00-1:30 rest between sets
Standing Tricep DB French Press (Load)
Standing Tricep DB French Press
4 sets : 10 repetitions - RPE 7

*1:00-1:30 rest between sets
Double DB Skull Crushers (Load)
Double DB Skull Crushers
4 sets : 10 repetitions - RPE 7

*1:00-1:30 rest between sets
Cooldown/Mobility (Not Scored)
1 min standing QL doorway/rig stretch (each)
1 min foam roll lats
1 min thread the needle (each)
1 min tricep lacrosse ball smash (each)
Mayhem Mini-Pump –Upper posterior body (Time)
Mini-pump sessions are used to supplement another Mayhem Athletes track or on days when you are pressed for time and cannot complete the full day's bodybuilding session as scheduled. You do NOT have to complete the day's bodybuilding program AND the mini-pump session. Choose one or the other.

4 sets

10 Barbell Deadlift @ moderate weight - maintain RPE 7 quality
10 Strict pull-ups @ moderate weight - maintain control and quality RPE 7
10 Seated Neutral Grip Cable Row @ moderate weight - maintain RPE quality 7
12 Double DB Skull Crushers @ moderate weight - maintain RPE 7 quality

-Rest 3 minutes between sets.
“No Banner, Only Hulk” (Reps)
6 Sets: (30 Minutes)
3:00 On | 2:00 Off

20/16 Calorie C2 Bike
10/8 Calorie Ski
Max Wall Walks
Monday, May 13
Workout of the Day
"Barbara" (Time)
For Time:

5 Sets:
20 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
40 Sit Ups
50 Air Squats
-Rest 3:00-

Time Cap: 42 Minutes
**Do not wear a weight vest today
Mobility (Not Scored)
1 min Seal Pose
1 min Bicep stretch on wall
1 min Tricep lacrosse ball smash (each side)
8 Week Squat Cycle
Week 7 of 8 (Checkbox)
Finish Strong Team!!

Listen to your body and lets finish this thing strong!

-Coach Ryan
Back Squat 5-5-5-3-2-1 (Load)
Warm Up Sets:
2 Sets: 5 reps @ 30%
5 reps @ 50%
3 reps @ 70%
2 reps @ 80%
1 rep @ 85%

**Goal is to Set Ourselves up for Our Single Set of Heavy Doubles coming up
Back Squat 1x2 (Load)
1 Set: Heavy Double on Back Squat for the Day

**Goal is heavier than last double, or to move last double better.
Back Squat 2x5 (Load)
Drop Sets:

2 Sets: 5 Reps @75-80% (same weight you used on Week 5)

**Goal is faster in rep speed on these 5 reps
Body Building
Functional Pump (Push & Pull) (Other / Text)
Functional Pump (Push & Pull)

INSTRUCTIONS! Do NOT do this session with the rest of the bodybuilding track. It should stand alone for the day. We recommend doing it as the ONLY workout for that day and the next (for example, if you do the 3 functional push-ups during the week, we don't recommend doing any other workout than the 3 power lifts - Squat, Deadlift & Press). Please click on "Workout prep notes available" directly to read the instructions before doing the workout!

2 sets:
Dumbbell Deficit Push Ups (2x22.5/15)
Bent Over Dumbbell Row (22.5/15)
-Rest 1:1-
Strict Pull Ups
Dumbbell Bench Presses (2x22.5/15)
-Rest 1:1 between sets-

30 MINUTES VERSION (or less) :
Dumbbell Deficit Push Ups (2x50/35)
Bent Over Dumbbell Row (2x50/35)
5-minute rest.
Strict Pull Ups
Dumbbell Bench Presses (2x50/35)

2 to 3-minute rest

3 sets :
12 Tempo Supinated Banded Chest Flies (2:1:0:0)
12 Tempo Banded Face Pulls (2:1:0:0)
-Rest as required between sets.
Bodybuilding RPE Scale (Not Scored)
RPE 1-3 || This is a weight that the athlete can move with ease throughout the planned set of repetitions.

RPE 4-5 - This is a weight that offers moderate resistance, but the athlete feels he could double the planned repetition range with the weight he has chosen.

RPE 6-7 || This is a moderate/moderately heavy weight for the athlete. It should represent a challenge for the planned range of repetitions, but should not make them fear failure. The rest required between sets should be minimal.

RPE 8-9 || This is a near-maximum effort for the intended range of repetitions. Athletes need adequate rest between sets at this RPE.

RPE 10 || This is a maximum effort for the planned range of repetitions. The athlete should be fully loaded at the end of each set.
Mayhem Bodybuilding Goals (Not Scored)
Mayhem Bodybuilding is a stand-alone program focused on hypertrophy. You can layer it on top of other Mayhem Athletes programs, but it's not designed to be run on top of all the other programs every day. We will include pieces from certain days in other programs as "ACCESSORIES".
The objectives are to stay focused and rest just long enough for you to perform the next set with quality and control, unless otherwise indicated.
Keep your attention on each set and keep your phone in your bag. Sessions are not "for time".
but treat them as if you had a time limit. Keep a stopwatch visible to hold yourself accountable.
Mayhem Bodybuilding Info, Goals & Plus (Not Scored)
Click on "Workout prep notes available" directly below for the full report.
Current bodybuilding cycle: Week 6 of 12 (Not Scored)
Bodybuilding Cycle 2
Weeks from April 1 to June 17 (12 weeks)
Mechanical Drop Set (MDS)

Objective: The objectives are to stay focused and rest just long enough to perform the next set with quality and control, unless otherwise specified.

Keep your attention on each set and keep your phone in your bag. Sessions are not "for time", but treat them as if you had a time limit. Keep a stopwatch visible to keep you accountable.

Progression: Main lifts will follow a 5-3-1 style with accessory lifts alternating between sets of 10 and 15. The cycle will also reintroduce the concept of mechanical elimination sets. MDS will alternate from day to day throughout the cycle to add new variety and fun challenges to the athletes' weekly routines.

Duration: This cycle will last 12 weeks, starting with a week of familiarization. We will then progress through the cycle with 2 weeks of deload and a max at the end of the cycle.
Anterior upper body warm-up (Not Scored)
Warm-up Crossover symmetry
3 sets
10 perfect pushups (controlled form)
15 band pull-a-parts
5 PVC around the worlds (in each direction)
10 wall angels
5 scorpions (each side)
Bench Press (Load)
Bench Press
4 sets : 8 repetitions - at 65% of 1RM

*Rest 2:00-2:30 between sets
Alt. Incline DB Bench (Load)
Alt. Incline DB Bench
4 sets: 10 repetitions (each side) - RPE 7

*Rest 1:00-1:30 between sets
D-Ball Bench Press (Load)
D-Ball Bench Press
4 sets : 10 repetitions - RPE 7

*1:00-1:30 rest between sets
Seated Chest Fly with Bands (Load)
Seated Chest Fly with Bands
4 sets : 12 repetitions - RPE 7

*1:00-1:30 rest between sets
Single Dumbbell Waiter Hold Curl (Load)
Single Dumbbell Waiter Hold Curl
4 sets : 10 repetitions - RPE 7

*1:00-1:30 rest between sets
Standing KB Crush Grip Bicep Curl (Load)
Standing KB Crush Grip Bicep Curl
4 sets : 10 repetitions - RPE 7

*1:00-1:30 rest between sets
Cooldown/Mobility (Not Scored)
1 min pec stretch against door/rig
1 min lacrosse ball pec smash (each)
1 min overhead elbow grab tricep stretch (each)
1 min bicep wall stretch (each)
Mayhem Mini-Pump –Upper body Anterior (Time)
Mini-pump sessions are used to supplement another Mayhem Athletes track or on days when you are pressed for time and cannot complete the full day's bodybuilding session as scheduled. You do NOT have to complete the day's bodybuilding program AND the mini-pump session. Choose one or the other.

4 sets

10 Barbell Bench Press @ moderate weight - maintain RPE quality 7
10 Alt. Incline DB Bench (each side) @ moderate weight - maintain control and quality RPE 7
10 Seated Chest Fly with Bands @ moderate weight - maintain RPE 7 quality
12 KB Crush Grip Bicep Curl standing @ moderate weight - maintain RPE 7 quality

-Rest 3 minutes between each set.
Burgener Strength
Burgener Strength Week 9 Day 1 (Not Scored)
For Affiliate, omit the Front Squats
Warm Up (Not Scored)
1. Crossover Symmetry Activation Plus OR Banded 7s - perform 7 reps of each movement

2. Mayhem Hip Halo Activation
* 10 Side step R/L
* 10 Forward/Backwards Walk R/L
* 10 Glute Bridges
* 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges R/L
* 10 Bird Dogs R/L
* 10 Squats

3. Burgener Warm up Snatch (3-5 reps at each position)
* Elbows high and outside – “BAR CLOSE”
* Muscle snatch – “STRONG TURNOVER”
* Snatch land – “FOOT WORK” 2”, 4”, 6”
* Snatch drop – “FOOT WORK”

4. Skill Transfer Exercises Snatch
- 3-5 reps of each movement
* Snatch grip push press. Feet jumping position “OVERHEAD STRENGTH”
* Overhead squat, “CORE STRENGTH”
* Heaving Snatch Balance. Feet in landing position. Dip, drive, drop, punch. “FAST HANDS”
* Drop Snatch, feet jumping position to landing, no drive, “SPEED UNDER”
* Snatch balance, “FOOT AND ARM SPEED”

5. 3x High Hang Snatch + 3x Hang Snatch + 3x Snatch
Optional: Successory (Checkbox)
3 Sets
10 Air Squat
20 Body Weight Walking Lunge
10 Burpee
High Hang Muscle Snatch (Load)
5 High Hang Muscle Snatch @ 5/10 RPE
5 High Hang Muscle Snatch @ 5/10 RPE
5 High Hang Muscle Snatch @ 5/10 RPE
Snatch (Load)
1 Snatch @ 60% 1 RM Snatch
1 Snatch @ 65% 1 RM Snatch
1 Snatch @ 70% 1 RM Snatch
1 Snatch @ 65% 1 RM Snatch
1 Snatch @ 70% 1 RM Snatch
1 Snatch @ 75% 1 RM Snatch
1 Snatch @ 80% 1 RM Snatch
1 Snatch @ 80% 1 RM Snatch
Sunday, May 12
Workout of the Day
Trisha Yearwood (Time)
For Time:

Calorie Ski
50 Cross Over Single Unders

Time Cap: 18 Minutes
60 Min (at Zone 2 Pace OR Nasal Breath) (Other / Text)
On a 60 Minute Clock @ Zone 2 Pace or Nasal Breathing

2 Mile Run
In remaining time cycle through the following until the 60 minutes are up
80/64 Cal Row
50ft Front Rack + Overhead Mixed Grip Kettlebell Walk (2x53/35) (per arm)
80/64 Cal Bike Erg (or 60/48 cal Air Bike)
25 second Hanging L-sit
Saturday, May 11
Workout of the Day
Carrie Underwood (Time)
Teams of 3
For Time:

Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 70/50
*Complete 400m Run After Each Set

Time Cap: 35 Minutes
Mayhem Mini-Pump – Arms and Core (Other / Text)
3 Rounds:

10 Deficit Pushups @ moderate weight RPE 7
10 Bent Over Barbell Row @ moderate weight RPE 7
10 Single Arm Standing Tricep Extension w/ band (each side) @ moderate weight RPE 7
10 DB Spider Curls @ moderate weight RPE 7
10 Overhead Plate Situps
:30 GHD Hip Raise Hold
10 Side Star Plank Reach Throughs (ecah side)
:30 Hanging L-sit hold
30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (left overhead/right front rack hold)
30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (right overhead/left front rack hold)

*Rest 3 minutes b/t rounds
Mobility (Not Scored)
1 min seal pose
1 min bicep stretch on wall
1 min tricep lacrosse ball smash (each side)
Body Building
Bodybuilding RPE Scale (Not Scored)
RPE 1-3 || This should be a weight that an athlete can move with ease throughout the intended rep range.

RPE 4-5 || This is a weight that provides a moderate amount of resistance but the athlete feels like they could double the intended rep range with the weight they chose

RPE 6-7 || This is a moderate-moderate/heavy weight for the athletes. This should provide a challenge for the intended rep range but should not be something that they are worried of failing. The rest needed between sets should be minimal.

RPE 8-9 || This is a near maximal effort for the intended rep range. Athletes should need and want adequate amount of rest between the sets at this RPE.

RPE 10 || This is a max effort for the intended rep range. The athlete should be fully taxed at the end of each set.
Mayhem Bodybuilding Goals (Not Scored)
Mayhem Bodybuilding is a stand alone hypertrophy focused program. You may layer this on top of some of the other Mayhem Athlete Program, but it is not designed to be performed on top of all other tracks each day. We will include pieces of some days in other programs as "ACCESSORY"
The goals are to stay focused and rest just long enough so that you can perform the next set with quality and control unless stated otherwise.
Keep your attention of each set and keep your phone in your bag. Sessions are not done “for time”
but treat them like you are limited on time. Keep a visible clock running to keep you accountable.
Arms and Core Warm-up (Not Scored)
3 Rounds
15/12 cal row
15 banded bicep curls (light band – fast reps)
15/12 cal ski
15 banded tricep extenstions (light band – fast reps)


3 rounds:
5 Alt. V-ups (each side)
10 Lying Heel Taps (each side)
5 Cat/Cows
Diamond Pushups (Load)
Diamond Pushups
5 sets: 10 reps - RPE 7

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Ring Row – Feet Elevated (Load)
Ring Row – Feet Elevated
5 sets: 10 reps - RPE 7

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Tricep Dips (Load)
Tricep Dips
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 8

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Barbell Drag Curls (Load)
Barbell Drag Curls
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 8

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Standing KB Crush Grip French Press (Load)
Standing KB Crush Grip French Press
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 8

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Incline Dumbbell Curls (Load)
Incline Dumbbell Curls
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 8

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Core Work: (Time)
Core Work:
4 sets:

10 Strict TTB
15 Kettlebell Side Bend (each side)
10 Alt. V-Ups + V-Up
1 min Chinese Plank
:45 sec Overhead DB Hold (each side)

*Rest 2:00 b/t sets
Cooldown/Mobility (Not Scored)
1 min seal pose
1 min bicep stretch on wall (each side)
1 min tricep smash (each side)
Mayhem Mini-Pump – Arms and Core (Time)
Mini-Pump Sessions are used as a supplement to another Mayhem Athlete track or on days when you are pressed for time and cannot complete the full day’s bodybuilding session as programmed. You should NOT complete today’s bodybuilding program AND the mini-pump session. Choose one or the other.

4 rounds:

10 Diamond Pushups @ moderate weight RPE 7
10 Ring Row – Feet Elevated @ moderate weight RPE 7
10 Standing KB Crush Grip French Press @ moderate weight RPE 7
10 Incline Dumbbell Curls @ moderate weight RPE 7
10 Strict TTB
15 Kettlebell Side Bend (each side)
10 Alt. V-Ups + V-Up (left + right + both =1)
1 min Chinese Plank
:45 sec Overhead DB Hold (each side)

*Rest 3 minutes b/t rounds
Burgener Strength
Burgener Strength Week 8 Day 3 (Not Scored)
For Affiliate, omit the RDLs and the Hill Sprints are optional.
Warm Up (Not Scored)
1. Crossover Symmetry Activation Plus OR Banded 7s - perform 7 reps of each movement

2. Mayhem Hip Halo Activation
* 10 Side step R/L
* 10 Forward/Backwards Walk R/L
* 10 Glute Bridges
* 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges R/L
* 10 Bird Dogs R/L
* 10 Squats

3. Burgener Warm up Snatch (3-5 reps at each position)
* Elbows high and outside – “BAR CLOSE”
* Muscle snatch – “STRONG TURNOVER”
* Snatch land – “FOOT WORK” 2”, 4”, 6”
* Snatch drop – “FOOT WORK”

4. Skill Transfer Exercises Snatch
- 3-5 reps of each movement
* Snatch grip push press. Feet jumping position “OVERHEAD STRENGTH”
* Overhead squat, “CORE STRENGTH”
* Heaving Snatch Balance. Feet in landing position. Dip, drive, drop, punch. “FAST HANDS”
* Drop Snatch, feet jumping position to landing, no drive, “SPEED UNDER”
* Snatch balance, “FOOT AND ARM SPEED”

5. 3x High Hang Snatch + 3x Hang Snatch + 3x Snatch
Snatch (Load)
Take 15 Minutes to establish a 1 RM Snatch for the day.


Take 85-90% of that weight and hit for 5 perfect singles.
Clean & Jerk (Load)
Take 15 Minutes to establish a 1 RM Clean and Jerk for the day.


Take 83-85% of that weight and hit for 5 perfect singles.
Optional: Hill Sprints (Checkbox)
5 Total Sprints ALL OUT!
*Rest 2 minutes in between each sprint.

*Sub 100m Sprint if you can't find a hill.
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Bench Press